By Laura Bly, USA TODAY
Looking for adventure, and ready to head out on the highway?
CAPTIONBest of the Road
To apply for the Best of the Road, interested teams (minimum age, 25) should upload a video of no more than one minute showcasing their skills as a cross-country traveler to between April 23 and May 15, 2012. Contestants will be announced on May 24; most travel expenses for the road rally will be covered by USA TODAY and Rand McNally.
Each team will visit the six towns in their assigned category, while fans follow their progress through videos, photos and updates on,, Facebook and Twitter (@bestoftheroad and #bestoftheroad). The teams' findings will help determine the winner in each category; one team will win a $10,000 grand prize for submitting the best content on their cross-country adventure.
Civic boosters and visitor bureaus have already nominated 100 towns to compete for a spot on the route, and voting continues until May 15. More than 700 towns were nominated in last year's contest and rally, which crowned Sandpoint, Idaho, "most beautiful"; Walla Walla, Wash., "friendliest"; Rapid City, S.D., "most patriotic"; Glenwood Springs, Colo., "most fun" and Lafayette, La., "best for food."
Source: USAtoday
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