February 28, 2012 By Amy-Mae Elliott For Mashable
To manage your map, click on the "map" box in your favorites section, beneath your cover photo.
If you can't see a "map" box here, hit the down arrow to the right of the boxes to see the hidden boxes.
Now click "Add Photos to Map" on the top right hand side of the maps screen.
You'll now see your uploaded photos in a film strip-style display at the top of your map page.
Clicking an image will give you a "Where was this?" text box.
Start typing the location and you can select the correct one from the list that appears.
When you've finished adding a location to the pics you want to geotag, click "Done Adding" to return to your normal map view.
You can also add in a location when you're viewing a photo.
Simply click "Add location"...
...And start typing in the box. Select your location from the choices that appear.
Once you've added locations to images, back in your map page you'll see new pin markers.
If you click on the markers, you'll see the relevant image.
Adding photos to your Facebook map is a great way to chart where you’ve been and what you’ve achieved in your life.
If you have added geo data to images as you uploaded them, they should already show on your map page. If not, we can show you how to quickly and easily add location information to your pics to give them geographical context.
SEE ALSO: How to Hide From Annoying Friends on Facebook Chat
Take a look through our simple step-by-step instructions above. Let us know in the comments below if you like browsing images on a location basis